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- FILE NO. 006
- C R A S H G O T H E C H A R I O T S
- John Lear, a captain of a major U.S. Airline has flown over
- 160 different types of aircraft in over 50 different countries.
- He holds 17 world speed records in the Lear Jet and is the only
- pilot ever to hold every airman certificate issued by the Federal
- Aviation Administration. Mr. Lear has flown missions worldwide
- for the CIA and other government agencies. A former Nevada State
- Senator candidate, he is the son of William P. Lear, designer of
- the Lear Jet executive airplane, the 8-track stereo, and founder
- of the Lear Siegler Corporation. Lear became interested in the
- subject of UFO's 13 months prior to the date given below, after
- talking with United States Air Force Personnel who had witnessed
- a UFO landing at Bentwaters AFB, near London, England, and three
- small aliens walking up to the Wing Commander.
- The following is a 'Statement' released by John Lear on
- December 29, 1987 and revised on March 25, 1988. It was
- originally sent to various friends of Lear's, who in turn put
- pressure on Lear to release this information more publicly.
- The first version of the statement was apparently meant for the
- 'inside' crowd of researchers with whom Lear associated, whereas
- the following revision contains the same information as the first
- edition, but is directed to the public in general:
- "The government of the United States continues to rely on
- your personal and professional gullibility to suppress the
- information contained herein. Your cooperation over the past 40
- years has exceeded OUR wildest expectations and we salute you.
- "'The sun does not revolve around the Earth'
- "'The United States Government has been in business with
- little gray extraterrestrials for about 20 years'
- "The first truth stated here got Giordano Bruno burned at
- the stake in AD 1600 for daring to propose that it was real. THE
- PUBLICLY THAN WILL EVER BE KNOWN (Note: emphasis here and
- elsewhere in the text is ours - Branton).
- "But the truth must be told. The fact that the Earth
- revolves around the sun was successfully suppressed by the
- (Roman) church for over 200 years. It eventually caused a major
- upheaval in the church, government, and thought. A realignment
- of social and traditional values. That was in the 1800's.
- "Now, about 400 years after the first truth was pronounced
- we must again face the shocking facts. The "horrible truth" the
- government has been hiding from us over 40 years. Unfortunately,
- the 'horrible truth' is far more horrible than the government
- ever imagined.
- "In its effort to protect democracy, our government sold us
- to the aliens. And here is how it happened. But before I begin,
- I'd like to offer a word in defense of those who bargained us
- away. They had the best of intentions.
- "Germany may have recovered a flying saucer as early as
- 1939. General James H. Doolittle went to Norway in 1952 to
- inspect a flying saucer that had crashed there in Spitzbergen.
- "The 'horrible truth' was known by only a very few persons:
- They were indeed ugly little creatures, shaped like praying
- mantises... Of the original group that were the first to learn
- the 'horrible truth', SEVERAL COMMITTED SUICIDE, the most
- prominent of which was Defense Secretary James V. Forrestal who
- jumped to his death from a 16th story hospital window (or was
- murdered by CIA agents who made it look like a suicide according
- to others, including William Cooper - Branton). Secretary
- Forrestal's medical records are sealed to this day.
- "President Truman put a lid on the secret and turned the
- screws so tight that the general public still thinks that flying
- saucers are a joke. Have I ever got a surprise for them.
- "In 1947, President Truman established a group of 12 of the
- top military scientific personnel of their time. They were known
- as MJ-12 (Note: Although Lear and Cooper agree on the name of
- this group, both differ in their idea of how many members this
- group consisted of in the beginning - Branton). Although the
- group exists today, none of the ORIGINAL members are still alive.
- The last one to die was Gordon Gray, former Secretary of the
- Army, in 1984. As each member passed away, the group itself
- appointed a new member to fill the position. There is some
- speculation that the group known as MJ-12 expanded to at least
- seven more members.
- "There were several more saucer crashes in the late 1940's,
- one in Roswell, New Mexico, one in Aztec, New Mexico, and one
- near Laredo, Texas, about 30 miles inside the Mexican border.
- "Consider, if you will, the position of the United States
- Government at that time. They proudly thought of themselves as
- the most powerful nation on Earth, having recently produced the
- atomic bomb, an achievement so stupendous, it would take Russia 4
- years to catch up, and only with the help of traitors to
- Democracy. They had built a jet aircraft that had exceeded the
- speed of sound in flight. They had built jet bombers with
- intercontinental range that could carry weapons of enormous
- destruction. The post war era, and the future seemed bright.
- Now imagine what it was like for those same leaders, all of whom
- had witnessed the panic of Orson Wells' radio broadcast, "The War
- of the Worlds", in 1938. Thousands of Americans panicked at a
- realistically presented invasion of Earth by beings from another
- planet. Imagine their horror as they actually viewed THE DEAD
- they attempted to determine how these strange 'saucers' were
- powered and could discover no part even remotely similar to
- components they were familiar with: no cylinders or pistons, no
- vacuum tubes or turbines or hydraulic actuators. It is only when
- you fully understand the overwhelming helplessness the government
- was faced with in the late 40's that you can comprehend their
- perceived need for a total, thorough and sweeping cover up, to
- include the use of 'deadly force'.
- "The cover-up was so successful that as late as 1985 a
- senior scientist with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,
- California, Dr. Al Hibbs, would look at a video tape of an
- enormous flying saucer and state the record, 'I'm not going to
- assign anything to that (UFO) phenomena without a lot more data.'
- Dr. Hibbs was looking at the naked emperor and saying, 'He
- certainly looks naked, but that doesn't prove he's naked.'
- "In July 1952, a panicked government watched helplessly as a
- squadron of 'flying saucers' flew over Washington, D.C., and
- buzzed the White House, the Capitol Building, and the Pentagon.
- It took all the imagination and intimidation the government could
- muster to force that incident out of the memory of the public.
- "Thousands of sightings occurred during the Korean war and
- several more saucers were retrieved by the Air Force. Some were
- stored at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, some were stored at
- Air Force bases near the locations of the crash site.
- "One saucer was so enormous and the logistic problems in
- transportation so enormous that it was buried at the crash site
- and remains there today. The stories are legendary on
- transporting crashed saucers over long distances, moving only at
- night, purchasing complete farms, slashing through forests,
- blocking major highways, sometimes driving 2 or 3 lo-boys in
- tandem with an extraterrestrial load a hundred feet in diameter.
- "On April 30, 1964, the first communication between these
- aliens and the U.S. Government (i.e. referring here to the United
- States elected government and NOT the International Illuminati
- per se who many believe have been in contact with the
- subterranean element of the 'alien' gray race for years if not
- centuries prior to this - Branton).
- "During the period of 1969-1971, MJ-12 representing the U.S.
- Government made a deal with these creatures, called EBE
- (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities, named by Detley Bronk,
- original MJ-12 member and 6th President of John Hopkins
- University). The 'deal' was that in exchange for "technology"
- that they would provide to us, we agreed to "ignore" the
- abductions that were going on and suppress information on the
- cattle mutilations. The EBE's assured MJ-12 that the abductions
- (usually lasting about 2 hours) were merely the ongoing
- monitoring of developing civilizations.
- "In fact, the purposes for the abductions turned out to be:
- "(1) The insertion of a 3mm spherical device through the
- nasal cavity of the abductee into the brain, the device is used
- for the biological monitoring, tracking, and control of the
- abductee.
- "(2) Implementation of Posthypnotic Suggestion to carry out
- a specific activity during a specific time period, the actuation
- of which will occur within the next 2 to 5 years.
- "(3) Termination of some people so that they could function
- as living sources for biological material and substances.
- "(5) Effect genetic engineering experiments.
- "(6) Impregnation of human females and early termination of
- pregnancies to secure the crossbreed infant (Note: Or perhaps a
- better term for it would be a "genetically altered" infant, since
- there has been no evidence forthcoming that an actual "hybrid"
- has been successful. In other words the offspring would tend to
- fall to one side or the other, a sauroid entity possessing no
- soul-matrix, or a humanoid being possessing such a matrix
- although somewhat altered in it's outward physical appearance -
- Branton).
- "The U.S. Government was not initially aware of the far
- reaching consequences of their 'deal'. They were led to believe
- that the abductions were essentially benign AND SINCE THEY
- THEY AGREED OR NOT, they merely insisted on a current list of
- abductees be submitted, on a periodic basis, to MJ-12 and the
- National Security Council. Does this sound incredible? An
- actual list of abductees sent to the National Security Council?
- Read on, because I have news for you...
- "The EBE's have a genetic disorder in that their digestive
- system is atrophied and not functional... In order to sustain
- themselves they use enzyme or hormonal secretion obtained from
- the tissue that they extract from humans and animals (It is
- uncertain whether other sauroid mutations such as the 'large
- muzzled grays' or 'reptoids' are included here. It is possible
- that they 'feed' through their mouths, which have not become
- 'atrophied' as have the small 'grays' - Branton).
- "The secretions obtained are then mixed with hydrogen
- peroxide and applied on the skin by spreading or dipping parts of
- their bodies in the solution. The body absorbs the solution,
- then excretes the waste back through the skin. The cattle
- mutilations that were prevalent throughout the period from 1973
- to 1983 and publicly noted through newspaper and magazine stories
- and included a documentary produced by Linda Howe for a Denver
- CBS affiliate KMGH-TV, were for the collection of these tissues
- by the aliens. The mutilations included genitals taken, rectums
- cored out to the colon, eyes, tongue, and throat all surgically
- removed with extreme precision. In some cases the incisions were
- made by cutting between the cells, a process we are not yet
- capable of performing in the field. In many of the mutilations
- there was no blood found at all in the carcass, yet there was no
- vascular collapse of the internal organs. THIS HAS ALSO BEEN
- NOTED IN THE HUMAN MUTILATIONS, one of the first of which was
- Sgt. Jonathan P. Lovette at the White Sands Missile Test Range
- in 1956, who was found three days after an Air Force Major had
- witnessed his abduction by a "disk shaped" object at 0300 while
- on search for missile debris downrange. His genitals had been
- removed, rectum cored out in a surgically precise "plug" up to
- the colon, eyes removed and all blood removed with, again, no
- vascular collapse. From some of the evidence it is apparent that
- this surgery is accomplished, in most cases, WHILE THE VICTIM.
- ANIMAL OR HUMAN, IS STILL ALIVE. (According to Bill English, this
- incident was mentioned in the Above-Top Secret 'GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK
- REPORT NO. 13' - Branton)
- "After the initial agreement, Groom Lake, one of the nations
- most secret test centers, was closed for a period of about a
- year, sometime between about 1972 and 1974, AND A HUGE
- "During the period between 1979 and 1983 it became
- increasingly obvious to MJ-12 that things were not going as
- "By 1984, MJ-12 must have been in stark terror at the
- mistake they had made in dealing with the EBE's. They had subtly
- promoted 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' and 'E.T.' to get
- the public used to 'odd looking' aliens that were compassionate,
- benevolent and very much our 'space brothers'. MJ-12 'sold' the
- EBE's to the public, and were now faced with the fact THAT QUITE
- THE OPPOSITE WAS TRUE. In addition, a plan was formulated in
- 1968 to make the public aware of the existence of aliens on earth
- over the next 20 years to be culminated with several
- documentaries to be released during 1985-1987 period of time.
- These documentaries would explain the history and intentions of
- the EBE's. The discovery of the 'GRAND DECEPTION' put the entire
- plans, hopes and dreams of MJ-12 into utter confusion and panic.
- "Meeting at the 'Country Club', a remote lodge with private
- golf course, comfortable sleeping and working quarters, and its
- own private airstrip built by and exclusively for the members of
- MJ-12, it was a factional fight of what to do now. PART OF MJ-12
- other part (the majority) of MJ-12 argued that there was no way
- they could do that, that the situation was untenable and there
- was no use in exciting the public with the 'horrible truth' and
- that the best plan was to continue the development of a weapon
- that could be used against the EBE's under the guise of 'SDI',
- the Strategic Defense Initiative, which had nothing whatsoever to
- do with a defense for inbound Russian nuclear missiles. As these
- words are being written, Dr. Edward Teller, 'father' of the H-
- Bomb is personally in the test tunnels of the Nevada Test Site,
- driving his workers and associates in the words of one, 'like a
- man possessed'. And well he should, for Dr. Teller is a member
- of MJ-12 along with Dr. Kissinger, Admiral Bobby Inman, and
- possibly Admiral Poindexter, to name a few of the current members
- of MJ-12.
- "Before the 'Grand Deception' was discovered and according
- to a meticulous plan for metered release of information to the
- public, several documentaries and video tapes were made. William
- Moore, a Burbank, California, based UFO researcher who wrote 'The
- Roswell Incident,' a book published in 1980 that detailed the
- crash, recovery and subsequent cover-up of a UFO with 4 alien
- bodies, has a video tape of 2 newsmen interviewing a military
- officer associated with MJ-12. This military officer answers
- questions relating to the history of MJ-12 and the cover-up, the
- recovery of a number of flying saucers and the existence of a
- live alien (one of 3 living aliens captured and designated, or
- named, EBE-1, EBE-2, and EBE-3, being held in a facility
- designated as YY-II as Los Alamos, New Mexico. The only other
- facility of this type, which is electromagnetically secure, is at
- Edwards Air Force Base in Mojave, California). The officer names
- as previously mentioned plus a few others: Harold Brown, Richard
- Helms, Gen. Vernon Walters, JPL's Dr. Allen and Dr. Theodore van
- Karman, to name a few of the current and past members of MJ-12.
- "The officer also relates the fact that the EBE's claim to
- have created Christ. The EBE's have a type of recording device
- that has recorded all of Earth's history and can display it in
- the form of a hologram. This hologram can be filmed but because
- of the way holograms work does not come out very clear on movie
- film or video tape. The crucifixion of Christ on the Mount of
- Olives (it actually took place on the hill Calvary, not the Mt.
- of Olives - Branton) has allegedly been put on film to show the
- public. The EBE's claim to have created Christ, which, IN VIEW
- "Another video tape allegedly in existence is an interview
- with an EBE. Since EBE's communicate telepathically, an Air
- Force Colonel serves as interpreter. Just before the recent
- stock market correction in October of 1987, several newsmen,
- including Bill Moore, had been invited to Washington D.C., to
- personally film the EBE in a similar type interview, and
- distribute the film to the public. Apparently, because of the
- correction in the market, it was felt the timing was not
- propitious. In any case, it certainly seems like an odd method
- to inform the public of extraterrestrials, but it would be in
- keeping with the actions of A PANICKED ORGANIZATION WHO AT THIS
- "Moore is also in possession of more Aquarius documents, a
- few pages of which leaked out several years ago and detailed the
- supersecret NSA project which had been denied by them until just
- recently. In a letter to Senator John Glenn, NSA's Director of
- Policy, Julia B. Wetzel, wrote, 'Apparently there is or was an
- Air Force project with the name (Aquarius) which dealt with
- UFO's. Coincidently, there is also an NSA project by that name.'
- NSA's project Aquarius deals specifically 'communications with
- the aliens' (EBE's). Within the Aquarius program was project
- 'Snowbird', a project to test-fly a recovered alien aircraft at
- Groom Lake, Nevada. This project continued today at the
- location. In the words of an individual who works at Groom Lake,
- 'Our people are much better at taking things apart than they are
- at putting them back together.'
- "Moore, who claims he has a contact with MJ-12, feels that
- they have been stringing him along, slipping him documents and
- providing him with leads, promising to go public with some of the
- information on extraterrestrials by the end of 1987.
- "Certain of Moore's statements lead one to believe that
- Moore himself is a government agent working for MJ-12, not to be
- strung alone, but to string along ever hopeful UFOlogists that
- the truth is just around the corner. Consider.
- "1. Moore states emphatically that he is not a government
- agent, although when Lee Graham (a Southern California based
- UFOlogist) was investigated by DIS (Defense Investigative
- Service) for possession of classified documents received from
- Moore, Moore himself was not.
- "2. Moore states emphatically that the cattle mutilations of
- 1973-1983 were a hoax by Linda Howe (producer of 'A Strange
- Harvest') to create publicity for herself. He cites the book
- 'Mute Evidence' as the bottom line of the hoax. 'Mute Evidence'
- was a government sponsored book to explain the mutilations in
- conventional terms.
- "3. Moore states that the U.S.A.F. Academy physics book,
- 'Introductory Space Science', vol. II chapter 13, entitled
- 'Unidentified Flying Objects', which describes four of the most
- commonly seen aliens (one of which is the EBE) was written by Lt.
- Col. Edward R. Therkelson and Major Donald B. Carpenter. Air
- Force personnel who did not know what they were talking about and
- were merely citing 'crackpot' references. He, Moore, states that
- the book was withdrawn to excise the chapter.
- "If the government felt they were being forced to
- acknowledge the existence of aliens on Earth because of the
- overwhelming evidence such as the October and November sightings
- in Wytheville, Va., and recently released books such as 'Night
- Siege' (Hynek, J. Allen; Imbrogno, Phillip J.; Pratt, Bob: NIGHT
- SIEGE, Ballantine Books, Random House, New York), and taking into
- consideration the 'grand deception' AND OBVIOUSLY HOSTILE INTENT
- OF THE EBE'S, it might be expedient for MJ-12 to admit the EBE's
- but conceal the information on the mutilations and abductions.
- If MJ-12 and Moore were in some kind of agreement then it would
- be beneficial to Moore to tow the party line. For example, MJ-12
- would say... 'here are some more genuine documents...but
- remember...no talking about the mutilations or abductions'. This
- would be beneficial to Moore as it would supply the evidence to
- support his theory that E.T.'s exist but deny the truths about
- the E.T.'s. However, if Moore was indeed working for MJ-12, he
- would follow the party line anyway...admitting the E.T.'s but
- pooh poohing the mutilations and abductions. If working alone,
- Moore might not even be aware of the 'grand deception'.
- "Time will tell. It is possible that Moore will go ahead
- and release the video interview with the military officer around
- the first of the year, as he has promised. From MJ-12's point of
- view, the public would be exposed to the information without
- really having to believe it because Moore is essentially not as
- credible a source as, say, the President of the United States.
- After a few months of digestion and discussion, a more credible
- source could emerge with a statement that yes in fact the
- interview was essentially factual. This scenario would cushion
- somewhat the blow to the public. If, however, Moore does not
- release the tape by, say, February 1 of 1988, but comes instead
- with a story similar to: 'MJ-12 has informed me that they are
- definitely planning a release of all information by October of
- 88. I have seen the plan and have seen the guarantee that this
- will happen, so I have decided to withhold the release of my
- video tape at this time as it may cause some problems with MJ-
- 12's plans.' This would in effect buy more time for MJ-12 and
- time is what they desperately need.
- "Now you ask, 'Why haven't I heard any of this?' Who do you
- think you would hear it from? Dan Rather? Tom Brokaw? Sam
- Donaldson? Wrong. These people just read the news, they don't
- find it. They have ladies who call and interview witnesses and
- verify statements on stories coming over the wire (either AP or
- UPI). It's not like Dan Rather would go down to Wytheville,
- Virginia, and dig into why there were 4 THOUSAND reported
- sightings in October and November of 1987. Better Tom Brokaw or
- someone else should risk their credibility on this type of story.
- Tom Brokaw? Tom wants Sam Donaldson to risk his credibility. No
- one, but no one, is going to risk their neck on such outlandish
- ideas, regardless of how many people report sightings of 900 foot
- objects running them off the road. In the case of the Wytheville
- sightings, dozens of vans with NASA lettered on the side failed
- to interest newsmen. And those that asked questions were
- informed that NASA was doing a weather survey.
- "Well then, you ask, what about our scientists? What about
- Carl Sagan? Issac Asimov? Arthur C. Clarke? Wouldn't they have
- known? If Carl Sagan knows then he is committing a great fraud
- through the solicitation of memberships in the Planetary Society,
- 'to search for extraterrestrial intelligence'. Another charade
- into which the U.S. Government dumps millions of dollars every
- year is the radiotelescope in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, operated by
- Cornell University with - guess who? - Carl Sagan. Cornell is
- ostensibly searching for signals from Outer Space, a sign maybe,
- that somebody is out there. It is hard to believe that
- relatively intelligent astronomers like Sagan could be so
- ignorant.
- "What about Isaac Asimov? Surely the most prolific science
- fiction writer of all time would have guessed by now that there
- must be an enormous cover-up? Maybe, but if he knows he's not
- saying. Perhaps he's afraid that Foundation and Empire will turn
- out to be inaccurate.
- "What about Arthur C. Clarke? Surely the most technically
- accurate of Science Fiction writers with very close ties to NASA
- would have at least a hint of what's really going on. Again, if
- so he isn't talking. In a recent Science Fiction survey, Clarke
- estimates that contact with extraterrestrial intelligent life
- would not occur before the 21st Century.
- "If the government won't tell us the truth and the major
- networks won't even give it serious consideration (Note: This was
- written before such programs as SIGHTINGS, UNSOLVED MYSTERIES,
- CURRENT AFFAIR, MONTEL WILLIAMS and other TV programs DID in fact
- begin dealing with the UFO phenomena, abductions, etc., in much
- greater depth - Branton), then what is the big picture, anyway?
- Are the EBE's, having done a hundred thousand or more abductions
- (possibly millions worldwide), built AN UNTOLD NUMBER OF SECRET
- UNDERGROUND BASES (Groom Lake, Nevada; Sunspot, Datil, Roswell,
- and Pie Town, New Mexico, just to name a few) getting ready to
- return to wherever they came from? Or, from the obvious
- preparations are we to assume that they are getting ready for a
- big move? or is (it) the more sinister and most probable
- situation that the invasion is essentially complete and it is all
- over but the screaming?
- "A well planned invasion of Earth for it's resources and
- benefits would not begin with mass landings or ray-gun equipped
- aliens. A properly planned and executed invasion by a
- civilization thousands...of years in advance of us would most
- likely be complete before a handful of people, say 12?, realize
- what was happening. No fuss, no mess. The best advice I can
- give you is this: Next time you see a flying saucer and are awed
- by its obvious display of technology and gorgeous lights of pure
- color - RUN LIKE HELL! -- June 3, 1988 Las Vegas, NV"
- (The following was an addendum to the above which was
- included with later copies of John Lear's 'statement'):
- "In 1983 when the Grand Deception was discovered MJ-12
- (which may now be designated 'PI-40') started work on a weapon or
- some kind of device to contain the EBE's which had by now totally
- infested our society. This program was funded through SDI which,
- coincidentally, was initiated at approximately the same date. A
- frantic effort has been made over the past 4 years by all
- participants. This program ended in failure in December of 1987.
- A new program has been conceived but will take about 2 years to
- develop. In the meantime, it is absolutely essential to MJ-12
- (PI-40), that no one, including the Senate, the Congress or the
- citizens of the United States of America (or anyone else for that
- matter) become aware of the real circumstances surrounding the
- UFO cover-up and total disaster it has become.
- "Moore never did release the video tapes but claims he is
- negotiating with a major network to do so...'soon'."
- * * *
- Following are some quotes from prominent sources:
- "In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we
- often forget how much unites all the members of humanity.
- Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us
- realize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly
- our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien
- threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, IS NOT
- -- President Ronald Reagan., Remarks made to the
- 42nd General Assembly of the United Nations.,
- Sept. 21, 1987
- "I couldn't help but say to him (Gorbachev), just
- think how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings
- that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world
- from some other species from another planet outside in the
- universe... Well, I don't suppose we can wait for some
- alien race to come down and threaten us. But I think that
- between us we can bring about that realization."
- -- President Ronald Reagan., Remarks to Fallston
- High School students and Faculty, Fallston,
- MD., October 4, 1985
- "For your confidential information, a reliable and con-
- fidential source has advised the Bureau that flying disks
- are believed to be man-made missiles rather than natural
- phenomenon. It has also been determined that for approxi-
- mately the past four years the USSR has been engaged in
- experimentation on an unknown type of flying disk."
- -- FBI Memo, dated March 25, 1949 sent to a large
- number of FBI offices.
- "...on Unidentified Flying Objects... The panel recom-
- mends that the national security agencies institute poli-
- cies... designed to prepare the material defenses and the
- morale of the country to recognize... and react most effect-
- ively to true indications of hostile measures."
- -- Recommendation of the CIA Robertson Panel on
- UFOs., January, 1953
- "Public interest in disclosure is far outweighed by the
- sensitive nature of the materials and the obvious effect on
- national security their release may entail."
- -- U.S. District Court Opinion in the case of
- Citizens Against UFO Secrecy vs. the National
- Security Agency., May 18, 1982
- "The sums made available to the Agency may be expended
- without regard to the provisions of law and regulations re-
- lating to the expenditures of Government."
- -- Central Intelligence Act of 1949
- "On this land a flying disk has been found intact, with
- eighteen three-foot tall HUMAN-LIKE occupants, all dead in
- it but not burned. (Note: An alleged photograph of an alien
- body being kept in cold storage at Wright Patterson shows
- what appears to be a small HUMAN like being with human-like
- eyes and oriental features. Although it was about the size
- of the short grays, this particular being is apparently not
- sauroid-reptilian in nature. Is it possible that the eight-
- teen "human-like" occupants described in this quote are of
- the same race? - Branton)
- -- FBI memo from New Orleans Branch to Director,
- FBI, March 31, 1950 about a disk found in the
- Mojave desert in January, 1950
- "When four sit down to conspire, three are fools and
- the fourth is a government agent."
- -- Duncan Lunan
- "The flying disks are real."
- -- General Nathan Twining.
- "According to Mr. ...informant, the saucers were found
- in New Mexico due to the fact that the Government has a very
- high-powered radar setup in that area and it is believed
- that the radar interferes with the controlling mechanism of
- the saucers...each one of the three saucers were occupied by
- three bodies of human SHAPE (Note: this does not con-
- clusively indicate whether they were humanoid or sauroid, as
- both groups are hominoid-shaped - Branton) but only 3 feet
- tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture."
- -- FBI Memo from agent Guy Hottel., Washington
- Field Office., sent to Director, FBI., March
- 22, 1950
- In their QUARTERLY REPORT, July - September 1990, the 'Fund
- For UFO Research' (P. O. Box 277., Mount Rainier, MD 20712)
- related the following:
- "The primary activity during this quarter involved 'Crash
- II,' a conference consisting of investigators and witnesses
- involved in the reported crash and recovery of one or more
- Unidentified Flying Objects. It was the second such conference
- coordinated by the Fund, but it was remarkable because it
- included ten witnesses who had information about the recovery of
- at least one apparent alien craft and bodies outside Roswell, New
- Mexico, in July 1947. (The conference was made possible by a
- special contribution.)
- "All the witnesses (with one exception) agreed to be
- identified and to have their statements recorded on videotape for
- archival and other purposes. At the conclusion of the
- conference, the Fund's Executive Committee solicited proposals
- from the investigators, including Stanton T. Friedman, Donald R.
- Schmitt and Kevin Randle, to interview and videotape additional
- witnesses in the Roswell case.
- "All of those involved agreed that the information gathered
- at the conference and in subsequent interviews should be
- assembled into a briefing paper and a videotape to be made
- available to Members of the United States Congress. Researchers
- hope to convince an appropriate congressional committee to hold
- hearings requiring testimony from former military employees who
- have refused to discuss their involvement in the event on the
- grounds of national security.
- "Schmitt and Randle subsequently submitted a request for
- $6,600 to interview 24 additional witnesses in the Roswell case.
- Another investigator in UFO crash/retrieval cases, Leonard H.
- Stringfield, requested up to $1,500 for further research in the
- Roswell case. An additional proposal to edit the interviews with
- witnesses in the Roswell case at a cost of approximately $2,000
- was submitted, resulting in a goal to raise $10,000 for follow-up
- research in the Roswell case.
- "A letter outlining the proposed fundraising campaign was to
- be mailed to all of the Fund's supporters by the end of the year.
- To encourage enough large donations to meet the goal of $10,000,
- copies of the congressional briefing paper would be offered to
- contributors of $50 or more; a copy of the videotape was offered
- to contributors of $100 or more. A report on the progress of the
- fundraising effort will appear in the next Quarterly Report.
- "Also during this period, the Executive Committee of the
- Fund received a proposal from noted abduction researcher Bud
- Hopkins to do a statistical study of a selected number of high-
- quality abduction cases. It is hoped that such a study will
- uncover correlations and 'undiscovered links' between key
- elements of abductions. The proposal in its most comprehensive
- form would cost approximately $6,000, which would require a
- substantial infusion of funds to support.
- "Also received during the quarter was a proposal by Dr.
- Leslie E. Wong of The Evergreen College in Olympia, Washington,
- for the study of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in
- abductees. This grant proposal for $7,115 would involve follow-
- up research of 50 - 60 respondents to a questionnaire-based pilot
- study of abductees undertaken by two students at the college
- earlier this year. The purpose of the study is to determine
- whether the abduction phenomenon causes PTSD in some abductees.
- Such a finding would make a substantial contribution, not only to
- abduction research, but also to the field of mental health."
- Another letter released by the 'Fund' was dated October,
- 1990, and stated:
- "Dear Supporter:
- "I'm writing to you at a critical time in the history of the
- UFO movement. The issues contained in this letter are extremely
- sensitive, and so I would appreciate your confidentiality.
- "Because of your support for scientific research into the
- UFO phenomena, I want to bring you up-to-date on recent events
- which may result in a resolution of the mystery of Unidentified
- Flying Objects.
- "As you know, there is a great deal of interest currently in
- the apparent crash of one or more UFOs in New Mexico over 43
- years ago. This event has become the most intensively-
- investigated--and best documented--case in UFO history.
- "It came to the public's attention in 1980 with the
- publication of 'THE ROSWELL INCIDENT' by Charles Berlitz and
- William Moore. With the capable assistance of veteran UFO
- investigator and nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman, the authors
- documented that SOMETHING very unusual crashed in the New Mexico
- desert in July 1947.
- "Friedman and Moore continued to follow up on new leads and
- uncovered new evidence following publication of the book. During
- the course of their research, they identified nearly 100
- witnesses who had information about the event.
- "However, the focus of their investigation changed with the
- release of apparently authentic documents outlining Operation
- Majestic Twelve, a TOP SECRET government research project
- initiated following the Roswell crash. The Fund for UFO Research
- awarded Mr. Friedman a $16,000 grant to investigate the
- documents, and his research into the MJ-12 matter inevitably
- turned up new witnesses in the Roswell event.
- "In the meantime, Don Schmitt and Kevin Randle, under the
- auspices of the Center for UFO Studies, decided to reexamine the
- Roswell case and managed to bring the number of first-hand
- witnesses and sources of information to more than 200.
- "Earlier this year, the Fund invited Friedman, Schmitt and
- Randle to the Washington, DC, area to discuss the status of their
- research. Also invited were ten first-hand witnesses who agreed
- to record their testimony on videotape. A report on the
- conference, called 'Crash II,' is enclosed for your review.
- "As noted in the report, the investigators have identified a
- large number of additional witnesses who have agreed to make
- videotape depositions. The witnesses may even agree to present
- their accounts to Members of Congress.
- "Representatives of the Fund are now involved in assembling
- the new evidence (which) turned up at the Crash II conference for
- presentation to appropriate individuals on Capitol Hill. We hope
- this will result in a new inquiry by the Congress into the
- Roswell case.
- "As you can imagine, this effort will require financial
- support to be successful. We need to pay for the expenses of the
- investigators to travel across the country and conduct recorded
- interviews with first-hand witnesses. We want to produce a
- videotape which summarizes their testimony to Members of Congress
- and their staffs, so they will be convinced of the legitimacy of
- the case. All told, this phase of the project will cost
- approximately $10,000.
- "However, all of our current assets are committed to other
- worthwhile projects; therefore, I am asking for your assistance.
- Your contribution of $100 or $50 will assure us of the funding
- necessary for this project. Even a $25 contribution would help.
- I will continue to keep you informed of further developments.
- "Sincerely, Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D. - Chairman..."
- And in their QUARTERLY REPORT, October - December 1990, we
- read the following:
- "The investigation into the apparent crash of one or more
- UFOs outside Roswell, NM, in July 1947 continued to be the
- primary focus of the Fund's activities during the last quarter of
- 1990.
- "The primary goal was to raise at least $10,000 to support
- the costs of the investigators in identifying additional first-
- hand witnesses, to record their testimony, and to produce a
- videotaped record of their testimony. A fundraising letter
- requesting donations for the project was mailed to the Fund's
- supporters; copies of a briefing paper and a videotape were
- offered as premium for contributions of $50 and $100
- respectively. As of December 31, the effort had generated more
- than $16,000 in revenue.
- "As a result of the fundraising appeal, we were able to
- compensate investigators Stanton T. Friedman, Kevin Randle and
- Don Schmitt for their costs in conducting interviews with more
- than a half-dozen additional witnesses located in four states.
- Their testimony, in addition to the interviews recorded at the
- Fund's 'Crash II' conference in July, were edited into a 25-
- minute videotape entitled 'Recollections of Roswell.'
- Expenditures for the project at year's end were nearly $10,000.
- The total amount spent on crash/retrieval research in 1991
- exceeded $40,000.
- "Having reached its fundraising goal, the Fund is now able
- to make copies of the videotape and briefing paper available for
- purchase by the public (i.e. via the address given earlier -
- Branton)...
- "Members of the Fund's Board conducted an extensive program
- of public appearances and media promotion during this period.
- Chairman Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D., spoke at the International
- Conference of New Sciences at the University of Colorado, the
- 'Show Me UFO Conference' in St. Louis, a conference sponsored by
- the Center for Humanistic Studies and the Center for UFO Studies
- in Santa Barbara, CA; and the 'UFO and Space Symposium' in Hakui
- City, Japan. The latter was particularly notable, because it was
- sponsored by the city and endorsed by the Japanese Prime
- Minister.
- "Dr. Richard Haines made a presentation on 'Using Concepts
- from UFO Studies to Teach Science and Critical Thinking' at the
- Arizona State Teachers Association annual conference. Board
- members Don Berliner, Richard Hall, Rob Swiatek and Fred Whiting
- attended a conference on 'The UFO Experience' in North Haven, CT.
- And Mr. Berliner reported conducting a total of 39 media
- interviews resulting in more than 27 hours of air time in 1990.
- "1991 was a record-setting year for the Fund, in terms of
- both income and expenditures--primarily because of the 'CRASH II'
- conference in July. As a result, the amount spent during the
- year on grants, awards and special projects (such as the Roswell
- case investigation) exceeded $55,000--or nearly 70% of the Fund's
- total expenditures..."
- "On July 10-12, 1990, a group of investigators and witnesses
- involved in the Roswell UFO crash case gathered in Arlington, VA,
- at the invitation of the 'Fund for UFO Research' to discuss new
- developments and evidence.
- "The purpose of the meeting was to debrief the witnesses and
- investigators on evidence in the case and to record the
- witnesses' accounts on videotape for archival and other purposes.
- "The meeting was conducted by David Jacobs, Ph.D., an
- assistant professor of history at Temple University and author of
- "The investigators included:
- "* Stan Friedman, who initiated the investigation into the
- Roswell case and who has continued to pursue the case
- independently; and
- "* Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt, who re-opened the Roswell
- investigation two years ago under the sponsorship of the Center
- for UFO Studies, and whose book on the case is scheduled for
- publication this Fall.
- "The witnesses were chosen by the investigators based on
- their first-hand knowledge of events associated with the Roswell
- case. Several witnesses had not been known previously to anyone
- in the UFO community. A summary of their testimony follows:
- "LORETTA PROCTOR--'Mac' Brazel's closest neighbor who
- recalls Brazel bringing a piece of unusual debris he found on his
- property to her ranch.
- "PHYLLIS MCGUIRE and ELIZABETH TULK--daughters of the
- Sheriff in Roswell who was contacted by Brazel after seeing the
- Proctors; both sisters recall seeing a number of Army Air Force
- personnel at their father's office during the period and were
- aware that Brazel was held incommunicado by the military for
- several days.
- "JESSE A. MARCEL, M.D.--son of Major Marcel; as an 11-year
- old, he handled the debris his father recovered on the Brazel
- ranch.
- "WALTER HAUT--the public information officer at the base who
- issued the news release (on the orders of the base commander,
- Col. William Blanchard) that the AAF had recovered a 'flying
- disc.'
- "ROBERT SHIRKEY--the flight operations officer at the
- Roswell Army Air Force base who recalls seeing the wreckage
- loaded on a B-29 with Major Jesse Marcel, headed for Carswell AFB
- in Ft. Worth.
- "ROBERT PORTER--a crewman on the plane with Marcel who
- helped load the wreckage.
- friends of 'Pappy' Henderson, pilot of a flight which transported
- both wreckage and ALIEN BODIES to Wright Field, who told them
- about his involvement several years before he died.
- "VERNE MALTAIS--close friend 'Barney' Barnett who told him
- of finding a damaged craft and dead alien bodies on the Plains of
- San Augustin.
- "All of the witnesses were extremely cooperative. We went
- to great lengths to assure them in advance that their testimony
- would be held in confidence and that an attorney would be present
- to provide legal counsel. Such assurances turned out to be
- unnecessary. All of the witnesses (with one exception) agreed to
- be videotaped and signed forms granting permission to the Fund to
- use the information at its discretion.
- "Moreover, the witnesses made every effort to distinguish
- between what they knew first-hand and what they heard from
- others. As a result, the videotape record provides an honest and
- vivid account of their recollection of events 43 years ago.
- "Although the purpose of the meeting was to record history,
- it also made history: it was the first on-the-record gathering of
- a group of witnesses to the apparent crash and recovery of a UFO
- and alien bodies.
- "At the conclusion of the meeting, the Executive Committee
- invited the investigators to submit proposals to conduct follow-
- up research in the Roswell case. The objectives are to record
- videotaped depositions with as many witnesses as possible; to
- edit the videotapes into a viewable presentation for selected
- Members of Congress and/or the news media; and to construct a
- revised timeline of events connected with the events in New
- Mexico in 1947.
- "Stan Friedman, Don Schmitt and Leonard Stringfield have
- indicated plans to cooperate in follow-up research. Schmitt's
- request for $6,600 to interview 24 additional witnesses and
- Stringfield's request for approximately $1,500 have been approved
- by the Executive Committee and referred to the National Board.
- "In addition, an initial contact has been made with the
- staff director of an important congressional committee and has
- indicated an interest in reviewing evidence associated with the
- Roswell case.
- "The goals of the congressional effort are (1) to seek
- immunity from prosecution for current and former military
- employees who have expressed reluctance to talk about their
- involvement in this affair, and (2) to explore the possibility of
- closed-door hearings involving first-hand witnesses with an
- appropriate committee or subcommittee.
- "The Executive Committee wishes to express its appreciation
- to the investigators and witnesses for making the conference
- possible."
- In relation to the above information on "crash/retrievals"
- we will quote here from a letter released by William Cooper
- detailing alleged retrievals of other "alien" craft. For obvious
- reasons, Cooper has kept the name of the author of the letter,
- which was dated June 13, 1987, confidential:
- "Dear Sirs;
- "Although I missed your very recent radio and TV shows, a
- friend suggested that I write this letter and share my
- information with you. I am (a) fifty year of age engineer that
- has worked in the private sector, as well as with the government.
- "From 1975 to 1980, I was involved with several
- investigations having to do with E.T. material. Even though the
- project was very well covered, I am still very much surprised
- that Project Pluto and results have not surfaced yet.
- "In as much as the project was handled by others, there was
- no question that the government was in full control. For
- security purposes, Project Pluto had five levels. Those who
- investigated one level had nothing to do with the next, and would
- only turn in the results of data of these findings to the next
- level, then go on to another area.
- "No one that I knew ever had the results of two levels at
- the same time. There was only one very rare exception to the
- rule which took place in 1975, and was in fact my very first
- assignment with the project. I was employed by a non-government
- firm that of course was directly involved with the government,
- and probably fronted for them on projects.
- "I would assume that eventually government records could be
- made available to the general public, but not from the private
- sector. I'm not really sure. In any event, several others and
- myself were rushed to a rather remote place in upstate
- Pennsylvania.
- "We were informed that every thing was top secret, and had
- to remain that way. We were even housed in a hotel close by, and
- security people were assigned to us. Some type of aircraft had
- crashed in this area, and the government felt that it would be
- easier and faster to do all of their investigation right there
- rather than move the remains of the wreck, and whatever evidence
- the soil may contain.
- "The wreck site was rather difficult to get to, however, we
- turned it into a construction site, clearing the area, and
- building two small and one very large metal pre-general buildings
- over and around the wreck. Heavy equipment, materials, and
- workers were flown in and out on a daily basis.
- "We were moved from the hotel to some mobile homes that were
- brought in for us, and any more top level people who joined us.
- I might add that the local people who still lived some distance
- from the site, were led to believe that a large private
- corporation was preparing to build an electrical power supply for
- the area. But it was off limits to everyone in the area.
- "We were some of the first one's on the scene other than
- lots of security people. The wreck had already been covered by
- very large canvas blankets, and large nets were tented over head
- to protect the site from any possible air traffic. I did manage
- to get a very good look at the wreck on several occasions. My
- first thoughts were that it may have been an experimental air
- craft of our government, or perhaps the government of another.
- "It was later suggested to us that is was a new type of air
- craft of a foreign government, and it was a super hush - hush
- project. The air craft was nothing like I have ever seen (or)
- probably ever will again.
- "The crash site was also something quite different. The
- disturbed soil was about a hundred feet in diameter, although the
- craft was much larger in length. I only saw what appeared to be
- about two-thirds of the rear end, and even that was about ten
- feet below the surface. When it crashed on about a 30 degree
- angle, it pushed all the earth back away from the craft itself.
- Almost as if the hole were made first, and then something half
- the size was put in place.
- "My best thought of this rather strange hole is that some
- kind of magnetic field had pushed all the earth away from the
- craft at impact. It was reasonable to assume that I was looking
- down at the rear end of the air craft, yet there was nothing to
- indicate that it had any kind of engine as we know it. Not even
- one little opening.
- "I don't really like to use the term cigar, but since I
- could not see the front part, it certainly appeared to have once
- been shaped like a large cigar. That's my best description.
- "If it was a craft from a foreign government, then we are in
- big trouble. I actually held one small portion of the wreck in
- my hand. Incidentally, there was only a very small reading of
- radio waves in the area. The area was quite safe. There was on
- the other hand, a great deal of free magnetic energy in the area.
- It was very difficult using our instruments. It was very
- difficult just to establish the correct time. Every wrist watch
- was a different time.
- "The piece of physical evidence that I held in my hand, was
- a material that I really can't identify. It may have been torn
- from the front of the craft when it crashed. A few of us
- compared thoughts as to what it might be, but no one was really
- certain. None of us had ever seen any thing like it before. It
- was about one square foot and about an inch thick. It weighed
- almost nothing, and one had the feeling that it may blow away if
- you let go of it and the wind increased.
- "It was the same color and texture of the large portion, so
- it was safe to assume that it was part of the shell of the craft.
- It weighed no where near enough to be any metal that we had ever
- seen. It even weighed less than any plastic that I had seen of a
- similar size.
- "I tried to scratch it with a pocket knife, and even cut
- away a small piece of the edge, but the knife did nothing to it.
- The surface was clear as glass, and stronger than any thing we
- had ever seen. It was like trying to scratch the surface of
- glass with a feather. Of course, we had to turn it into the
- security people.
- "After the site was secure, the first groups that included
- myself were taken away. There was a very thorough strip search
- prior to us being given jumpsuits, and put into a truck for
- transportation to a waiting plane. We were taken to another area
- and debriefed before we were allowed to return to our normal way
- of life.
- "About three months later, a few of us returned to the site
- to remove the buildings, fill up the hole, and generally put the
- area back into the same shape as it may have been prior to the
- crash. We went through the same type of security search and
- debriefing as we had done the first time. Whatever was left of
- the craft had been removed and sent to - unknown -.
- "Almost a year to the day, I was sent to another crash site.
- Everything was a repeat of the first time, except that there were
- six of us. Four of us were part of the first crash site, and the
- other two were new. This time the air craft was buried so deep
- into the lower side of the hill that we could not get a good look
- at it.
- "The security arrangements were just about the same, and we
- constructed similar buildings around it. It was very close to a
- rerun of the first crash site. Only this time we were told, 'as
- a matter of fact,' that it was a top secret experimental air
- craft that had crashed. I could however, manage to see the rear
- end of the craft. It appeared to be the same type as the first.
- The code name of the project was Pluto, as it was the first also.
- Incidentally, that was in upstate New York, in 1976. I do not know
- if there were any 'people' or life forms aboard.
- "Several years later, I had an occasion to be in the area of
- site # one, and I managed to stop in the cocktail lounge of hotel
- # one. The bartender only recognized me because he brought in
- our first room service the first night we stayed there. There
- was no room service there, but he made his one and only exception
- to the rule for us. He asked me lots of questions which (I) of
- course had no answers for, nor would I give any. He told me that
- he heard that there were lots of medical people on the site. He
- thought that rather odd for an electric power station. He
- assumed that there must have been some kind of accident, or lots
- of waste material in the area. We let it go at that.
- "It appears that security was very good, and no one had any
- idea that an air craft had crashed there. I suspect that the air
- craft was fifty feet in diameter and as long as two hundred feet.
- I could be wrong in the length. I could recall the under portion
- of air craft # one had more of a flat surface. It was difficult
- to see, but I do recall the difference in the portion of the
- under surface that I could see.
- "There was also a few interesting grooves on the top and
- side areas about twenty feet long. We had speculated that either
- a steering fin had been attached, or a place where it could slide
- through from the inside, similar to the type of system used to
- lower wheels on any air craft. First speculation!
- "In 1978, I was again sent to a crash site. We arrived the
- day after the security people. This time the air craft landed in
- a lake in upstate Pennsylvania. We went through the same
- motions, and built several buildings on the edge of the lake to
- house the craft, once it was removed from the water. Lots of
- Navy equipment was flown in, and there were divers everywhere.
- The same magnetic field was present as in the first two
- incidents. There was no air craft.
- "I spent three weeks there in the event that the buildings
- had to be adjusted. It seems that the divers had located the
- exact spot that the air craft had rested on the bottom, but it
- was gone. There was lots of evidence on the beach that something
- very large had crashed into the lake causing the water of the
- lake to splash ashore, over thirty feet, and what was normally a
- rather clean lake, was suddenly a very large mudhole. After
- three weeks, I left and was subjected to the same type of
- security as the first two times.
- "I didn't have to return to dismantle the pre-general
- buildings. I would think that it was done by others very soon
- after. There was some thought at first that the craft may have
- been buried under the bottom of the lake, but by this time, we
- knew enough about the craft to know if that were the case. It
- was not - it just vanished. Perhaps it was not damaged and
- managed to fly away. That may sound silly, but I believe it is a
- reasonable conclusion. There was some damage to the immediate
- area. Six large electrical transformers, and some other
- equipment were burnt out and had to be replaced by the electric
- company. The government took the electrical equipment and had it
- flown somewhere else.
- "...I don't really believe that the air craft belongs to our
- Government or any other government on this earth. From 1975 to
- present, we would certainly have seen some kind of revolutionary
- change in our air craft.
- "...After twelve years we probably don't even know what it
- is, or how to make it. I am positive that at the very least,
- they have two of the air craft hidden some where, and probably
- have learned very little from them, other than they exist.
- did learn something from it after all...
- Harold T. Wilkins, in his book 'FLYING SAUCERS UNCENSORED',
- made the following claims regarding crash/retrievals:
- "...Mr. James W. Moseley got on the trail of a woman he
- calls 'Miss. Y.,' who, as a civilian employee at a large military
- and air base in Ohio, acted as night girl on the teletype,
- decoding messages and handling classified material. About
- August, 1952, she saw in the photographic laboratory twelve
- prints of a non-terrestrial flying saucer, which the cameraman
- said he had taken on a recent secret assignment to a location in
- Ohio, where an interplanetary saucer had come to grief. Some
- days later 'Miss Y.' handled official messages which said that
- the saucer was passing through her base under guard, EN ROUTE to
- Wright-Patterson airfield in Ohio, which is the location of the
- secret Flying-Saucer Investigation Bureau of the U.S. Air Force.
- She also found that, both before and after the transit, a Red and
- White Alert was on, indicating official fear that the landed ship
- might have communicated with its space ship.
- "Two weeks later, after official experts had examined the
- captured saucer, the Alert terminated. According to the
- reluctant witness, 'Miss Y.,' who would appear to have been
- talking too much, either for her own comfort or that of the
- authorities, the saucer was thirty feet in diameter, but had no
- 'bubs' or blurbs, although there was a rim, or flange where the
- sections of the disk joined. She said its metals were riveted
- together and she had heard that the saucer had ports of a one-way
- vision, translucent material; that is, the entities could see
- through it without being seen. 'Miss Y.' further alleged that
- the U.S. experts had penetrated the saucer with considerable
- difficulty, and found that its metals were of alloys 'unknown on
- the earth.' It appeared to have been remotely controlled. She
- also alleged that she had heard--of course, this is NOT evidence
- in any law-court or judicial sense--that dead bodies of humanoid
- creatures, five feet tall, had been found in other saucers
- previously captured and photographed. She said the saucer had
- floated down, not crashed, as if its magnetic propulsion had
- failed, or been cut off."
- PEA Research released a list of some alleged crash-
- retrievals. They will be signified by date/area/and body count
- of aliens recovered/and craft diameter if specified:
- 1989.11.0 - Corkery Rd., Ont. Canada - 3 bodies - UNKN -
- (Joint US-CAN security helicopter fires missiles at landed UFO.
- Allegedly found on board - 50 nuclear warheads, 'box' of chip
- implants, dead aliens)
- 1989.9.28 - Morichs Bay, NY - UNKN - UNKN - (craft disabled
- by anti-UFO 'beam' weapon from govt. van after 6 unmarked
- helicopters forced UFO towards it)
- 1988.7.0 - Dalnegorsk, Primorskiy, USSR - UNKN - UNKN
- 1978.5.0 - Bolivia - NONE - UNKN
- 1978.1.18 - Fort Dix Army Base - 1 body - UNKN (UFO escapes)
- 1977 (labor day) - Ocotillo, CA - 1 body? (miniature flight
- suit pressure gloves found) - UNKN
- 1977.8.17 - Tabasco, Mexico - 2 bodies - UNKN
- 1977.4.5 - SW Ohio - 11 bodies - UNKN
- 1977.6.22 - NW Arizona - 5 bodies - UNKN
- 1977.1.10 - Wakefield, N.H. - NONE - 12 in (remote?)
- 1976.5.12 - Australian desert - 4 bodies - UNKN
- 1973.9.0 - Great Lakes Naval Base - UNKN - 30 ft.
- (For more info on original sources for these & other cases,
- contact: PEA Research., 116 Vargas Ct., Milpitas, CA 95035)
- It is uncertain exactly how may crash/retrieval cases have
- taken place in the U.S. alone, however from what we can gather
- from different sources there have been SEVERAL DOZEN to date,
- involving both sauroid and humanoid occupants. If we are ever to
- understand the full extent of the retrieval incidents we would
- have to examine more closely the contents of the dark 'hanger' in
- the back of Wright Patterson Air Force Base, both the upper and
- the underground levels. Wright Patterson AFB in Ohio was the
- headquarters of 'Project Blue Book', which sponsored the top-
- secret "Grudge/Blue Book Report No. 13" and, according to some
- sources, is still in existence and still utilizes 'Blue' and
- 'Alpha' teams specially trained for crash-recoveries. Although
- many disks and craft of other configurations have allegedly been
- stored in other military bases around the country such as in the
- S-4 complex in Nevada, one of the largest collection of such
- craft, and possibly even alien life forms, allegedly exist within
- the Top Secret limits of Wright Patterson.